

Rebels without a pause
Jan 15th 2009
From Economist.com
A shrinking economy forces the ECB to cut interest rates again, to 2%

WHEN policymakers around the world are slashing interest rates, it is hard for a central bank to stand out from the crowd. The European Central Bank (ECB) tried to rebel but failed: on Thursday January 15th it cut its benchmark interest rate by half a percentage point, to 2%, having hinted at a pause only a month ago.
The bank’s rate-setters had hoped that they could take a break this month in order to assess their past handiwork-the cumulative reductions that took the benchmark rate from 4.25% in early October to 2.5% by early December. No such luck: this is an equal-opportunities economic crisis, and the euro area is in it just as deep as America, Britain and the rest.
The economy’s vital signs have looked worryingly faint since the ECB’s rate-setting council last met. Industrial production fell by 1.6% in November, following similarly large drops in the previous two months. Around the world, people are buying fewer big-ticket items such as new cars and home appliances, and firms are delaying investment. That hurts the euro area’s largest economies-Germany, France and Italy-with their manufacturing bent. Industrial sentiment across the euro area slumped in December to its lowest level since comparable records began in 1985.
Germany is the most export-dependent economy and the bellwether of industrial Europe. It has suffered an alarming collapse in its exports and factory orders. Spending at home is under pressure too. The euro area’s consumers have high savings and low debt by rich-world standards but they are nervous all the same. Unemployment is rising, even in Germany and France, where the jobs markets had been more solid. The run of bad news suggests that the euro-area economy is in deep recession. Julian Callow of Barclays Capital reckons that it shrank by as much as America’s in the fourth quarter.
身爲歐洲工業各國之領頭羊,德國對出口依賴最爲嚴重。出口及工業訂單的急劇下挫已令其備受其苦,如今國內支出亦是壓力重重。相對富國標準,歐元區消費者儲蓄豐厚且債務微薄,然而却依舊顧慮頻頻。即便在就業市場已有所改善的德法兩國,失業率也正在上升。如此惡訊頻仍意味著歐元區已然深陷衰退。巴克萊資本(Barclays Capital)的Julian Callow認爲,該區經濟第四季度下滑程度將不亞于美國。
Consumers are pulling back fastest in Spain and Ireland. Unemployment in both countries is rocketing and tax revenues are wilting after housing busts. In the past week Standard and Poor’s, a credit-rating agency, said that the triple-A stamp given to the public debt of Ireland and Spain may be downgraded. On Wednesday the agency cut Greece’s credit rating. It has also put Portugal’s double-A rating under review.
西班牙與愛爾蘭的消費者畏縮最盛。彼處,失業正大幅飈升,而稅入則在房市泡沫破滅之後萎蔫不振。上周,信評機構標準普爾(Standard and Poor’s)聲稱,頒與西、愛兩國公債的最高評級或將有所下調。本周三該機構砍低了希臘的信評等級;葡萄牙的雙A評級亦入再審之列。
Lower credit ratings will constrain the ability of governments to support their economies. Within the euro zone Germany has the greatest means-and highest standing in financial markets-to use fiscal policy to boost spending. It belatedly beefed up its fiscal-stimulus package this week in response to the worsening economic conditions.
If Germany’s government now appears rattled by the unfolding economic drama, the ECB is still trying to look unfazed. At the press conference following the interest-rate decision the bank’s president, Jean-Claude Trichet, said the “next important rendezvous” is the ECB’s meeting in March, when it will consider a fresh assessment of the economic outlook from the bank’s forecasters. He hinted that a meeting scheduled for February 5th would not be one for making decisions on cutting rates. But events might intervene again: “we are never pre-committed”, said Mr Trichet.
雖然德國政府因經濟急轉直下而顯得方寸大亂,ECB却依舊故作巋然。于降息决定後的新聞發布會上,行長特裏謝(Jean-Claude Trichet ) 說道,”下次重要會議”定于本年3月,其時,將考慮該行預測專家對經濟前景的最新評價。這無异于暗示,定于下月5日的會議將無關降息决定。只是計劃沒有變化快,正如特老所言:”我們從不做事先承諾。
The ECB’s chief is shrewd enough not to rule anything out. But his comments at the press conference suggest that the bank is extremely reluctant to follow the Federal Reserve down to zero interest rates. “It is our intention not to be in a liquidity trap”, he said. When asked what he meant by that, Mr Trichet said that when interest rates fall to “very, very low” levels it is hard to raise them again. But inflation, at 1.6% in the euro area, is already below the ECB’s target ceiling of 2% and, with slack in the economy increasing, is likely to fall much further. Mr Callow at Barclays Capital thinks that the ECB will cut interest rates by another half a percentage point in March to prevent inflation from falling too far. The planned rebellion in February will quickly be quashed.
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